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Gearbox working on HD remake of Homeworld series

Added: 20.07.2013 8:24 | 14 views | 0 comments

HD and classic versions of the space strategy series coming to Steam; no release date announced.

Gearbox Software has revealed plans to remaster classic space strategy series Homefront, and bring the games to digital platforms.

CEO Randy Pitchford announced that the successful acquisition of the licence from the now defunct THQ was the only bid made for the franchise by a developer during the process, with the other two competing offers made by unnamed game publishers.

The studio will bring both to its hit RPG, first-person shooter hybrid, Borderlands 2.

In April this year was unsuccessful after developer TeamPixel was unable to secure the game#146;s rights.


Gearbox reveals first details on new Borderlands 2 DLC

Added: 20.07.2013 7:53 | 16 views | 0 comments

New downloadable content raises player cap 11 levels; pack launching before October 31 for $5.

Earlier this month Randy Pitchford revealed that Tiny Tina#146;s Assault on Dragon Keep released for Borderlands 2.

Today during its PAX Australia panel, Gearbox Software announced the first details for the game#146;s fifth expansion pack, as well as outlining free feature updates on the way.

The new DLC pack, the Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2, will add 11 extra levels to the current player cap, and a new Digistruct Peak Challenge. The pack will also allow players to "over level" the game to make content more difficult for advanced players. No specific release date was given, but Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford confirmed that the pack will be out sometime before October 31 this year. The pack will not be included in the current season pass, and will cost $5. No previous DLC will be required to play.

A planned free update to Borderlands 2 is also set to increase the maximum amount of ammo players can carry, enhance the total number of available bank slots, and boost inventory capacity. All upgrades can be purchased using Eridium, the in-game upgrade resource.

The team also revealed upcoming DLC pack, T.K Baha#146;s Bloody Harvest. The content will include throwbacks to DLC released for the original Borderlands. The pack will conclude with a boss battle against pumpkin creature, Jacques O#146;Lantern.

Pitchford confirmed that while some DLC has been in development since Borderlands 2 went on sale, beyond today's announcement, the team is aiming to release one or two more packs in the future.


Pitchford Teasing More Borderlands 2 DLC

Added: 19.07.2013 16:49 | 16 views | 0 comments

Gearbox Software president Randy Pitchford is teasing a Borderlands 2 DLC announcement that will be made tomorrow.

After being asked by a fan on Twitter when we can expect to hear more about the future of downloadable content for the studio's popular loot-heavy shooter, Mr. Pitchford replied by saying that we'll find out on Saturday.

It's amazing how much add-on content is currently available for Borderlands 2, and the passion for this game just won't seem to fade. Are you excited for even more DLC from Gearbox? Let us know in the comments below.


Borderlands 2 DLC news tomorrow

Added: 19.07.2013 14:25 | 15 views | 0 comments

Gearbox president says company will announce new downloadable content for shooter at PAX Australia on July 20.

Gearbox Software will announce new .

Pitchford did not give any details regarding what will be included in the forthcoming DLC pack. Earlier this month, he , saying during a podcast that, "We've got more stuff in the hopper that we're planning and getting pretty excited about."

Previously released Borderlands 2 expansions include .

These expansions are available as part of the or individually for $10 each. It is not clear what the new content will cost or when it will release.


Borderlands 2 DLC news tomorrow

Added: 19.07.2013 14:25 | 3 views | 0 comments

Gearbox president says company will announce new downloadable content for shooter at PAX Australia on July 20.

Gearbox Software will announce new .

Pitchford did not give any details regarding what will be included in the forthcoming DLC pack. Earlier this month, he , saying during a podcast that, "We've got more stuff in the hopper that we're planning and getting pretty excited about."

Previously released Borderlands 2 expansions include .

These expansions are available as part of the or individually for $10 each. It is not clear what the new content will cost or when it will release.


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